Demolition has passed. The builder is in the putting-it-all-back-together phase. Everyone -- the various workers as well as us homeowners -- is cheerful.
Tal and I are staying in the guest room where neither of us has spent any time in the two years we have lived in this house. I clean it between guests. That's all.
For me, staying in that room, especially waking up in that room, is like living in a different house. The master bedroom windows look out onto the terrace and our neighbor's screened porch. The guest room is upstairs (tricky for Tal, I'm sad to say) has a lovely set of double windows facing east.
I am taken by the light play in that room and find myself climbing the stairs simply to see what it's doing at various times of day. Take a look.
I'd rather leave our construction zone as is this afternoon. I'd rather take the photographs at face value. I'd rather simply let what this set of blinds reveals at different times of day be.