We're now in the door-widening and roll-in shower phase, and it's turning out to be slightly more involved than we'd anticipated. Demolition was a breeze. It helped that we, with the house sans water, were staying in a hotel at the time. I admit that.
Nothing has gone particularly wrong, mind you. It's just messy. And, once one snafu happens everything gets pushed a few hours, or half a day, or an entire day, or two days (or more?) down the line.
So, the project didn't finish up last Friday. The painter cannot come until the door frames are built. The door frames have to wait on the flooring folks. The bathrooms won't have lights until the painter has painted. The shower won't have glass until everyone else clears out.
Tal and I continue camping upstairs.The only downstairs room I am even remotely taking care of, out of necessity, is the kitchen. Everything else is, well, askew. Sort of like this crooked photograph of the terrace pavers out back. Our ordered existence is unordered.
All this commotion is beginning to make Tal a little fretful, though. The guest room is comfortable, but he wants to sleep in his bed. And, he really wants not to have to climb that flight of stairs once or twice a day. I am a little tired of washing the same three outfits for each of us -- not to mention wearing those same three outfits.
But, we are holding up. We're not obsessing. We're not sorry we undertook the work. This time of inconvenience is not the end of the world.
Fact is, we are having all this done so that home will be more convenient and safe. The trade-off is being askew for a time.